Vision Zero or Zero Vision??

Oh no not again Vision Zero is back, or is it?
by backroadsrider

Camera Shy!!

Fashionable trends can be strange things….
by backroadsrider

Under the Influence…

Given the opportunity to save lives it would not be unreasonable to expect politicians to do so.
by backroadsrider

A New Dawn for Biking??

Public services should serve the public – meeting their needs, responding to what they want, answering directly to them.
by backroadsrider

Advantage Motorcycle….

It’s never a bad time to buy a motorcycle but it maybe a good time to consider a purchase.
by backroadsrider

Justice for Riders??

Justice is the concept of moral rightness based on ethics, rationality, law, natural law, religion, fairness, or equity.
by backroadsrider

I Ride……So How Should I Vote?

Not a plea to vote for one particular party, more a look at the option.
by backroadsrider

No Muscles in Brussels…

This week the renowned motorcycle journalist Kevin Ash criticised the UK’s rider’s rights groups for being soft and pandering to the Government.
by backroadsrider

Pigeonholed….Time to Fly the Coop!!

The English. Our innate hypocrisy, we’ll meet anyone with a gold mine or an oil well. Our nouveau riche class system, with politicians arguing over which tax avoiding ‘non-dom’ is funding the opposition’s party. Ah yes, and our persistent habit of placing everything and everyone in neat little pigeonholes.
by backroads rider

A Future err…Fair For All?

Fair: free from favouritism or self-interest or bias or deception, conforming to established standards or rules, characterized by frankness, honesty, impartiality, or candour, open, upright, free from suspicion or bias, equitable, just.
by backroadsrider