On the limit!!

2-4-6-8 motorway…
by backroadsrider

Camera capers….

Love them, hate them or love to hate them…
by backroadsrider

Road Safety: OK Fine……

Another political football has received a punt up the field….
by backroadsrider

MoT Tale…

It would be so nice if something made sense for a change…
by backroadsrider

A senior moment….

I seem to be having one, a senior moment that is….
by backroadsrider

Going retro??

It’s going retro time, again!
by backroadsrider

Hang on a minute, lads. I’ve got a great idea….

It only seems a moment ago when the then “new” UK Lib-Con Coalition Government promised us……
by backroadsrider

Bad News…Good News…Ish!

The bad news? Once again motorcycling and motorcyclists have been dissed out by a journalist working for a UK national newspaper.
by backroadsrider

Not me gov……honest!!

Its amazing the extraordinary lengths that people will go to when fighting what they see as an injustice.
by backroadsrider