
Another step on Britain’s road to a carbon zero utopia as the Government announces a grant scheme to buy electric vehicles.
by backroadsrider

Silence is Golden……Cobber!

Australia, the Gold Coast, Highway One, Sydney Opera House, The Great Barrier Reef, Ayres Rock, Magnetic Island, kangaroos, wombats, The Olga’s, didgeridoos, The Gan, beer. Yes all that and some great technological advances too!
by backroadsrider

A Future err…Fair For All?

Fair: free from favouritism or self-interest or bias or deception, conforming to established standards or rules, characterized by frankness, honesty, impartiality, or candour, open, upright, free from suspicion or bias, equitable, just.
by backroadsrider

The Average Rider……

As predicted by Back Roads Rider five months ago average speed cameras are to be installed on the Cat and Fiddle.
by backroadsrider

Will Ye No’ Come Back Again?

As if bike parking issues were not bad enough in Westminster and other English cities we now have Edinburgh lining up for some anti bike action.
by backroadsrider

EuroRap…..Not a Musical Genre!!

Disappointingly EuroRap is not a new award for solo-rapping artistes performing in the hip hop genre.
by backroadsrider

SafeRider…..Rider Safety the EU Way??

If you perused the UK’s, alleged, largest circulation motorcycle newspaper this week you may have seen the item on the European Union SafeRider Project. So what is going on here is it rider safety improvement or the EU apparatchiks beating the last bit of fun out of biking.
by backroadsrider

Always Try Something New….But Somewhere Else!

United Kingdom devolved government is turning out to be very handy for trying out ‘things’ on a small proportion of the population before inflicting ‘it’ on the rest.
by backroadsrider